Are you looking for a unique investment opportunity that will enable you to earn extra money? There’s a simple way to diversify your assets without any professional experience, especially in an active environment. Investing in SCPI or Société Civile de Placement Immobilier on specialized platforms could be an excellent choice for those with extra cash who want to build up their savings.
SCPI investment is described in detail below.
Generate additional income
Finding a motivating salary when you’re just starting out in the professional world can be very difficult, and can lead to complicated economic situations! Investing in SCPIs gives you an attractive additional income that can help you make ends meet.
Investing in an SCPI is a simple and particularly effective way of receiving monthly or quarterly payments. With this type of investment, you can cover all your expenses and even afford to buy things that give you pleasure.
Creating wealth
Investing in SCPIs can also be a long-term project in addition to helping you earn extra money. Buying SCPI units can help you build up a real estate portfolio that increases in value over time. With the price of SCPI units rising sharply every year, you can build up a net-growth portfolio without having to make any major effort.
Choose the right time when you invest in real estate to take advantage of this opportunity. Your investment must therefore be carefully timed. Although real estate is the only sector in which investors can enjoy rapid growth, its value is rising fast and is worth several hundred thousand euros, or even millions.
Create an automatic investment
Finding the right property for your project, negotiating the price, going to the notary, arranging viewings, taking care of the work and finding tenants are all things you need to do when investing in a rental property. On the other hand, you can receive money every month by investing in a SCPI, and delegate all the operations involved in your project.
In an SCPI, everything is taken care of by a management company, so investors don’t have to worry about a thing. She takes care of buying the property, interacting with the tenants and completing the work, if necessary.
Daniel Blanchet écrit pour le magazine TIH-Business depuis 2018. Il est spécialisé dans la finance et l’immobilier. Daniel est également un traducteur professionnel, ayant traduit de nombreux livres sur des sujets variés.